Webinar : The role of land certification in securing women’s land rights on collective lands

le 09/11/2019

A webinar co-hosted by the Research Consortium by Resource Equity, DAI-Global/LIFT, the Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), the Associates Research Trust-Uganda.  The webinar aims to explore the question: under what conditions might formalization of collective tenure improve women’s tenure security? 

How can formalization of collectively held land rights secure women’s rights? Evidence shows that women can benefit from having individualised land rights formalized in their names. However, similar evidence is not available for formalization of land rights that are based on collective tenure. Studies have estimated that as much as 65 percent of the world’s land is held under customary, collective-tenure systems. Improving tenure security for land held collectively has been shown to improve resource management and to support self-determination of indigenous groups. Yet little attention has been paid to the question of whether women and men share equally in the benefits of formalizing collective tenure. This is complicated by the fact that very often, even if lands are held collectively, they are sometimes allocated and managed on an individual household basis. This webinar aims to explore the question: under what conditions might formalization of collective tenure improve women’s tenure security?


  • Amanda Richardson, the Research Consortium by Resource Equity


  • John Leckie, DAI- Global/LIFT
  • Iliana Monterosso, CIFOR
  • Paul Ntegeka, Associates Research Trust- Uganda


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