Séminaire de recherche de l’UMR Acteurs, Ressources et Territoires de l’Un iversité Paul Valéry à Montpellier

le 08/12/2016

Jeudi 8 décembre, 14 :00 – 17 :00
Site Saint Charles – Salle 001
Rue du Professeur Henri Serre – 34080 – Montpellier

Programme : 

14:00 : Prof Catherine Boone, London School of Economics

Catherine Boone is professor of Comparative Politics, Departments of Government and International Development. She is an associate researcher at the Pôle Foncier Montpellier since 2014. She holds a PhD in Political Science from MIT.

Regional Inequality and Preferences for Market-Promoting Land Law Reform: Preliminary Study

In African countries, policies aimed at promoting or restraining the development of land markets have emerged as major political battlegrounds. This presentation uses studies of the political geography of regionalism to suggest how preferences for market-enhancing (-restraining) land reforms may vary across space, and across differentially-positioned political elites and landholders, in African countries. It draws on current work in Kenya and Côte d’Ivoire to illustrate and explore some possible ways of understanding the politics of land law reform in African countries.

15:00 Prof Julie Trottier, CNRS

Julie Trottier is a Director of Research at the CNRS. She directs the ANR funded project Of Lands and Waters since 2013. She participates in the John Harvard Chair at the University of Cambridge, UK.

The interconnections between land and water tenure.

This presentation uses the results generated by the project Of Lands and Waters to question our understanding of the role of land tenure and water tenure in the construction of territories. It explores the interactions among institutions governing common property resources at the local scale and actors deploying strategies over a wider scale.

16 :00 : Discussion générale et mise en perspective

Ce séminaire est réalisé grâce au financement accordé par l’ANR au projet De Terres et d’Eaux, ANR-12-AGRO-0002-01