In May 2012, the international community gathered at the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) endorsed the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (the VGGT). Those guidelines have lent impetus to the global movement to make governance of tenure of land and natural resources central to the international agenda.
France welcomes the holding of an event dedicated to the VGGT at the 43rd session of the CFS, as part of the monitoring process examining implementation of the decisions and recommendations of the CFS, and as a response to recommendation 26.4 of the VGGT, which advocates the organisation of an experience-feedback initiative with regard to application of the VGGT.
In addition to the consultation organised by the CFS Secretariat, France wished to conduct an exercise with national stakeholders to monitor implementation of the VGGT. It consequently launched an inclusive initiative that mobilised its two multi-stakeholder platforms on land-governance (the Technical Committee on “Land Tenure and Development” – CTFD)and food-security (the French Interministerial Group on Food Security – GISA), as well as representatives from the private sector.
A day of discussion was organised on the 13th September 2016 to identify causes of success and failure in the use and application of the VGGT. The ideas exchanged at that conference have provided material for this document, which is also available in French.
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