A regional workshop on the theme ‘Responsible Large Scale Agricultural Investment in the Mekong’ will be held on 15-17 November 2017 to examine these questions with a diversity of stakeholders from government representatives, protagonists of the private sector, research institutes and civil society groups
The Dialogue
In the lead up to the regional workshop, this online dialogue offers a space for policy makers, development partners, private sector representatives, researchers, civil society workers and community advocates to exchange ideas and experiences on these issues.
Through this dialogue we aim to collaboratively explore challenges and opportunities related to the responsible large scale agricultural investments in the Mekong region in order to identify issues of common interest, contrast country and regional contexts and strategies, and generate a regional-level synthesis of key challenges and opportunities to contribute to solutions.
We invite participation from local, national, regional and global levels to widen our learning.
The online dialogue will be documented in a summary report, synthesising key discussion points, supported with a recap of participant contributions.
Lessons from the online-dialogue will be brought into and further discussed during the regional workshop, where policy recommendations will be formulated.
How to join the Dialogue
The dialogue is open to anyone with an interest in land issues. To make a contribution to the discussion, first register here.
Please feel free to answer as many questions as you like and then upload your contributions to the dialogue. You are welcome to make more than one contribution. Your contributions should be brief –not more than 500 words, and may be shorter. You may also query other participants and comment on their contributions.
If you have any questions on content or if you want to discuss your contribution before the dialogue start, please feel free to contact the dialogue moderator Jean-Christophe Diepart, Mekong Region Land Governance at jc.diepart@gmail.com (link sends e-mail).
If you have question technical question on user interface etc. please contact Terry Parnell, MLIKE coordinator at tparnell43331@gmail.com (link sends e-mail) or Neil Sorensen, Land Portal, at neil.sorensen@landportal.info