To strengthen deep understanding on Land and Natural Resource Management, Legislative Research Institute of National Assembly organized workshop on “Knowledge and Experience Sharing with the National Assembly/Provincial People councils’ members on Land and Natural Resource Management” at International Convention Training Center (ICTC), Vientiane from 28-29 september 2017.
The workshop was chaired by Dr Khampheuy Panmalaythong, the president of Legislative Research Institute of National Assembly, Laos. There were totally 153 participants from National Assembly’s members, Provincial People Assembly ’ members, President – Vice president of the NA committees, President -Vice president of different departments, centers, officials from National Assembly, The acting director general of Legislation Department from Ministry National Resource and Environment, representatives of relevant ministries, representatives from Village Focus International (VFI), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Community Association for Mobilizing Knowledge in Development (CAMKID)/Oxfam attended this workshop.
Read more here.
Source : Melong Land Region Governance Newsletter Octobre 2017