Research by ILC member Oxfam and others such as the World Inequality Lab shows that extreme inequality is rising – not falling – in most regions. Members of the ILC are concerned about land inequality, a central issue to the policies and practices that they seek to improve and reform.
Yet, very little data exists to help us understand what the trends on land inequality are, as well as the complex and inter-related linkages between land inequality and wider inequalities.
In response, ILC is coordinating the Land Inequality Research Initiative.
It’s aim is to provide evidence and analysis needed to better understand the nature of land inequality worldwide. The initiative will develop a total of 18 papers, including a synthesis report and manifesto on land inequality for ILC members to use in their advocacy work.
The first paper, a framing document, authored by Marc Wegerif and Arantxa Guereña, launches the series and aims to:
- define how to approach the complexities of land inequality
- identify a coherent framework for research and action
- suggest research themes and questions
- guide the next phases of the research initiative
Download the report / Télécharger le rapport (en anglais)
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