Recognising the potential of natural resources, the Tanzanian government has recently prioritised the promotion of FDI and large-scale, commercial investment. However, the existing legal and policy environment does not currently offer robust safeguards for local and public interests, and leaves room for diverging interpretations.
Lack of clarity in rules and procedures can have adverse consequences for prospective investors. Most importantly, the small-scale rural producers and the local communities whose livelihoods depend on land and natural resources are under threat. Tanzanian legislation recognises important rights to rural people but lack of awareness and capacity among those who stand to benefit from these rights means that progressive legislation has not always translated into real change on the ground. This guide aims to address this challenge. It discusses the most important laws that regulate land and investment in Tanzania, in order to make information available and to provide the basis for awareness-raising activities including radio programs and training sessions. Knowledge is power, and in Tanzania knowledge is critical to improve access, livelihood security and equality.
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