In a region in rapid transition, understanding the changing role and contribution of land in development is critical to inform policy, planning and practices towards a sustainable future. The Mekong State of Land aims to contribute to this much needed conversation between all stakeholders by bringing together key data and information, largely available in the public domain, to identify and describe the key issues and processes revolving around land. It will be a basis for constructive dialogue and collaborative decision-making.
Given the critical role that knowledge and information plays in allowing for the identification of key issues, accurately characterizing them, and structuring decisions and policies to address them, the State of Land also provides a critical analysis of the data and information that is available (and not) with a view to constructively identify ways to improve the production, management and sharing of data.
The report presented here is a first draft, after receiving observation and comments from interested stakeholders, a final version will be published before the end of 2018
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